Already 2 with more trouble to get into. I wonder what's in store....

I Am This Old!!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sorry For The Delay!!!!!

I know it has been forever since the last post. We have been crazy busy!!! To bring you up to speed, Ian now 11 months old and has 5 teeth, 3 up top and 2 down below. He has a head of blonde hair. He is quite the chatter box. We have heard him say "mama" and "dada". He has been manuevering via a scoot/crawl method. He sits up by himself now and can even pull himself up to a standing position. We are at the point of battening down the hatches because he is on the verge of getting into many things. Ian also started swim lessons. He is doing great, a little fussy after bening dunked, but great.

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Me and my buddy, Kiera

This is Kiera and she is my buddy. It seems as though I have a lot of girlfriends. Its tough to be me. To quote the great Ron Burgundy, "I am kind of a big deal."
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NICU Reunion 2008

I owe my life to this woman and many other nurses at Harris Methodist NICU. This is Dr. Lynch. She was the chief NICU doctor at Harris when I decided to enter this world 2 months early. I was reunited with her at the Harris Methodist NICU Reunion in April. I hope to see her every year so that I can thank her for taking such good care of me during the early hours of my arrival. Thanks, Dr Lynch!!!
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Memorial Day 2008

We celebrated Memorial Day at Camp Townsend. We always have a blast when we are over there. This time I got to eat a cookie, meet Daz, swim for the first time and really just chill.

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More Houston Pics......

Ian with cousins Grant, Aiden, Ian and Dylan

Ian with Aunt Mary

Ian on Uncle James' Harley

Ian dancing with Elizabeth
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Ian's First Trip To Houston

We went down to Houston to visit family. Ian got to meet many great aunts and uncles as well as second cousins galore. We stayed with Aunt Mary and Uncle James. They even organized a family gathering so everyone could meet Ian.

Cousin Amanda

Uncle Jimmy, little cousin Aiden, Ian, Aunt Cindy and Dad enjoying a great sangria.

Ian with Aunt Marsha

Ashley, Ian and Cousin Chris.
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That Bluebonnet Time Of Year

For the record, we did not take these on the side of a highway.

Abby, Andrew and Ian

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