Already 2 with more trouble to get into. I wonder what's in store....

I Am This Old!!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Back to Reality!!

We had a great time on vacation, but it had to come to an end eventually. We had a great time and are blessed to have such great friends and family. We would like to thank Jimmy for the flight passes. We would also like to thank Maggie & Eric, Stan & PJ, and Peggie Sue for the sleeping arrangements. We miss all of you already and cannot wait to see you again, this time in Dallas. You Owe Us!!!
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Parthenon in Nashville

This is an exact constructed replica of the Parthenon in Greece. It is the only one of its kind in the world.

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Viva Nash Vegas!!!

At the Country Music Hall of Fame.

Elvis' Cadillac limo. It had a 13" b&w tv in the backseat with all sorts of other knobs and switches. It looked like something out of Get Smart.

The hat stayed on longer than we thought.
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Viva Nash Vegas!!!

We got to Nashville and had dinner with friends, Brit and Trina which for some reasons we do not have any pictures of. Sorry B&T. We made our way to Peggy Sue's house. She has two dogs, Mojo and Cheeto. We saw the sights of Nashville including the turisty West End area as well as the Parthenon and Country Music Hall of Fame.

With Mojo.

With Peggy and Cheeto.

Thats not really the "King"

Ian was not afraid of the "King".
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Heading to Nashville

From Atlanta, we headed to Nashville. On our way, we stopped to see our friend Cindy. We also made a detour thru Lynchburg to see the great Jack Daniels Distillery.

With Cindy.

Dang if he isn't a great traveler.

At the Jack Daniels Distillery.

We used Ian's cuteness to keep him out of jail.
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Atlanta cont....

With Eric.

With cousin, Kate and Matt.

With Charlotte.

With PJ.
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Georgia Aquarium

This gives you an idea of just how big the Georgia Aquarium is. This is just one of the tanks. It holds 4 Whale Sharks and a Manta Ray as well as a bazillion other fish.

Back in Atlanta

After Myrtle Beach, we headed to Atlanta for a few days. We stayed with our great friends, the Griffiths. We got to see Rob's cousin Kate and her boyfriend, our friend Eric. We went to the Georgia Aquarium which has got to be one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. We got to eat a burger from the Vortex.

Ian loved the Aquarium!!!

Thank goodness he is not scared of the mascots!!!!
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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pool & Beach Fun

This resort had tons of pools as well as a lazy river. Ian loved the waterfalls in the pool.

Ian was really perplexed by sand on the beach. Add in salt water that shows up periodically, then you really have a confused child. He will have a lot more fun once he can walk.

Fun and Sun in Myrtle Beach, SC

We chose to visit Myrtle Beach at the beginning of our trip rather than the end. Great call because Hurricane Hanna hit there a week later.

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The Carolinas

We stopped by long time Vacha family friends, Annette and Dale Turbyfil when we arrived into Raleigh, NC. Annette informed me that I was ian's size the first time she me me.

I hope whoever invented this portable high-chair is a millionaire.

View from our balcony in Myrtle Beach, SC
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Great Plane Behavior

Here is proof that a baby can be good on an airplane. We flew on buddy passes to Raleigh, NC, which had to make stops in St. Louis and Chicago before our arrival. Yep, 3 take-offs and landings and one plane change and he was a STAR!!! He did not fuss one bit!!! He was the same way when we flew home.

Water Baby

The pool done tuckered him out.

Bath-time is fun-time!!!
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Summertime with Friends

Ian with Sophie

Ian with Skye, Meg and Maxim

Ian with Harley and Max
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First Birthday, cont......

At the Zoo with Keira and Maxim.

At the Zoo with cousins Nate, Andrew, Jacob and Abigail.

With Mommy and Daddy.

Another helping of birthday cake.
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