Already 2 with more trouble to get into. I wonder what's in store....

I Am This Old!!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 18, 2009

First Rangers Game

We took Ian to his first ever professional baseball game, Rangers vs Orioles, courtesy of Uncle Deron who works for the Orioles. Not only did we have the best seats, but we got to see history made when Ian Kinsler hit for the cycle and went 6 for 6 in 9 innings. He became the third person in MLB history to accomplish such a feat. Everytime the crowd cheered for Ian Kinsler, Ian thought they were cheering for him.

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Quick trip to Houston

Ian at Aunt Cindy's Piano

Ian with Uncle Eddie

Ian and Emma
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Surprise from Max

Max surprised us all and came to America for Spring Break.

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Thomas came to Grapevine

Ian and Andrew

Ian and Kiera
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Breckenridge cont...

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Breckenridge cont...

Ian and Mason

Lauren has a cool hat.
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Breckenridge cont...

Waiting for everyone to get back from skiing.

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Ski Vacation in Breckenridge

Ian, Mason and Lauren

In the gondola, heading up to the peak.
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2009 cont..

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2009 cont....

First attempt at a haircut. Let me stress attempt...
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