Already 2 with more trouble to get into. I wonder what's in store....

I Am This Old!!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 2, 2007

It was nice knowin you, Maddy!!!

Due to irreverseable medical problems, Amy and I had the difficult task of deciding put down our Boxer, Maddy. She was with us for 10 great years. She was an awesome member of the family and was a model of what a great family dog should be. We were hoping that Ian could have known her longer. We look forward to the coming years in which Ian can help us pick out the next canine member of the family.

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

November Pics, cont....

When I am a successful Calvin Klein model, we can trace it back to here.

Daddy says he looks just like this in his jeans with no shirt, except he is hairier.

Thanks, Uncle Marcus, for the great shirt. I loves me some Radiohead.

I went to my first basketball game to see my cousin Dane play. Here I am with my cousin, Kelsey.
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November Pics, cont....

Lauren came over and we found out we have the same PJs

Hooray!!! Isreal beat Russia!!! England remains in the World Cup Tournament!!!

Amazing! The crib actually getting used.

Look who still has their two fingers...(English Humor)
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November Pics

Ian turned 4 months old on Nov 14. He's growin like a weed. He's got quite a personality. We are extremely fortunate that he has not been fussy.

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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!!

Mommy and Chewbacca Vacha

Silly, you dress me. Poop on your carpet, I will.

Yoda and the Wookies have always been friends.

Chewbacca Vacha's first Trick or Treating Mission out in Midlothian.
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October Pics....continued

First trip to Joe T Garcia's. Ian with Tasha, Jenee and Joe

Grandma is pretty comfortable.
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October Pics....continued

I told you I hadn't posted in a while.

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Saturday, October 6, 2007

Dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Vacha

Grandpa has crazy hair.

Grandpa said something about getting a boat. I think its a great idea.

Mommy, Daddy and Me makes Three!!!
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11 lbs and 3 oz and happy as can be!!

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Hangin with the Townsends

I sure like hangin with the Townsends. We have alot of fun with them. Mommy told me she whipped everyone at Mexican Train Dominos this night.

Lauren and Ian

OMG!!! She wants to hold my hand. Sweet!!!

Celebrating Matt's promotion at Piranha.
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New Pics

I am alot happier now that my complexion has cleared up.

Some women use chopsticks to keep their hair in place. Mommy uses a remote.

MMMMM...I found my thumb!!!!
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