Already 2 with more trouble to get into. I wonder what's in store....

I Am This Old!!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 2, 2007

It was nice knowin you, Maddy!!!

Due to irreverseable medical problems, Amy and I had the difficult task of deciding put down our Boxer, Maddy. She was with us for 10 great years. She was an awesome member of the family and was a model of what a great family dog should be. We were hoping that Ian could have known her longer. We look forward to the coming years in which Ian can help us pick out the next canine member of the family.

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Jennjilla said...

I'm really sorry you guys had to put Maddy down to sleep. It's never an easy decision to come to and one every pet parents dreads making. I hope you guys feel better soon and again, I'm so sorry for your loss.

P.S. My dog, Sam, is up there and if anyone can keep Maddy entertained, it's him! He was a good doggie, too. :)

Anonymous said...

all friends go to Heaven