Already 2 with more trouble to get into. I wonder what's in store....

I Am This Old!!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, July 30, 2007

Things a Fallin Off

Yesterday, the remaining part of Ian's umbilical cord fell off. It looked like a piece of beef jerky. It didn't taste like it though. Today, the small plastic ring used in his circumcision finally fell off. It looks like the little willie is close to finally healing. A real bath, not just a sponge bath, is right around the corner. Both items have been archived and placed in plastic bags for storage so that one day, Ian will ask his mom and dad, "Why on earth would you keep such things?" We might want to get rid of the plastic ring because it could be evidence he might use to sue us for taking away his manliness.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Home At Last

I've had quite few visitors since I arrived at home. Gramma & Grampa Vacha, Gramma Deanna, Aunt Tracy, Uncle Jimmy, Abby, Jacob, Andrew, Uncle Deron, Aunt Kim, Dane, Kelsey, Kacie, Nate and Aunty Kristi.

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Going Home

This is a blanket Olga made for me.

It looks like I have alot of room to grow in this thing.
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NICU Days-Visitors

This is Uncle Scott. He's from England. He told me that he and I were exactly alike for a couple of days and then, snip, we were not anymore. He told me he would explain when I was older.
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NICU Visitors

Aunty Kristi

Grampa Vacha

Gramma Vacha

Papa Rombach
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NICU Days-Continued

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Birth Day

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We took Ian to his first Pediatrician appointment today. As luck would have it, it was around nursing time. We survived, though. Doctor Harmon checked Ian out and gave him a thumbs up. Ian's weight is up to 4 lbs, 10 oz. He is now 18 in. long. He continues to be a pooping machine. Very regular our boy is.

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