Already 2 with more trouble to get into. I wonder what's in store....

I Am This Old!!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Happy St Patrick's Day!!!!!!

Can you believe they did not take me to the Greenville Ave St Patrick's Day Parade?

I am as satisfied as Daddy is after a pint of Guinness.
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Uncle Jay From New York City

This is Jay. He's a near and dear friend of the family that used to live in Texas but now lives in New York. Jay is quite witty and hilarious when it comes to story telling! I have no idea what they were talking about but they sure laughed alot. I hope to visit him in the City someday.
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Spring 2008 Photoshoot cont....

Here it is, our first family picture since our last family picture. Its amazing how a stressful morning can disappear and turn into such happy pose. So you know, I spit up on this blue shirt prior to taking this photo. Mommy creatively used her hand to block the stain. She's good!!!

I wish I had a chair like this at home.
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Spring 2008 Photoshoot

This photoshoot thing is crazy!!! Mom and Dad spent the whole morning arguing about what we were all gonna wear. I have never been dressed and undressed so many times. And to top it off, the pictures were taken by a guy called June. Well, I had fun, especially watching Mom and Dad scramble after I spit up on my first outfit of the shoot. I have great timing!!!

Don't let the picture fool you. I am wearing underpants.

Trick photography is cool!!!

I am not afraid to show my wild and colorful side.

I have a feeling my first school picture will not look much different than this.
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I Need A Toothbrush!!!

On March 10, 2008, we finally figured out why Ian was fussin. It turns out his first tooth, lower-front-left came out of hiding. We are all truly excited about this event. The only negative is that we received a warning letter from Amy's boobs stating there will be consequences if his latches turn into bites. We have already told Ian that he should not bite the boob that feeds him. And yes. I hope Ian gets my wit genes!!!

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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Ian's Baptism

Ian was baptised on Feb 3 at St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church in Arlington, Tx. His Godmother is Tracy Graham(Aunt). His Godfather is Deron Rombach(Uncle).

Thanks, Uncle Marcus!!!

Funky Uncle Marcus got me some cool shirts featuring the likes of Jimi and Angus. Thanks, Uncle Marcus!!!

Bye, Bye, Ketel One

Ketel One is no longer in the family. They decided to jump in bed with Diageo. I had to break the news to Ian.