Already 2 with more trouble to get into. I wonder what's in store....

I Am This Old!!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, July 27, 2007

We took Ian to his first Pediatrician appointment today. As luck would have it, it was around nursing time. We survived, though. Doctor Harmon checked Ian out and gave him a thumbs up. Ian's weight is up to 4 lbs, 10 oz. He is now 18 in. long. He continues to be a pooping machine. Very regular our boy is.

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1 comment:

Jamey said...

Ian is absolutely precious!
Congratulations..It was so nice to see everyone in the pictures, it has been a while. Mommy and Daddy look great too! Hope to see that sweet little boy soon. I am so happy for y'all