Already 2 with more trouble to get into. I wonder what's in store....

I Am This Old!!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Stop the Presses.....Vachas go for a walk and bring the dog

Holy Moly..You're not gonna believe this but we all went for a walk tonight. The weather could not have been better for our first family stroll. Ian slept the whole time while Maddy, on the other hand, sniffed the whole time. Due to the success of our first walk, I think we will tackle the Grand Canyon next.
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

8 lbs. and counting.....

Ian dreamt of Metal last night.

Ian's tribute to Bob Marley, Mon.
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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Ian's Intro to Star Wars

We checked out the great Star Wars exhibit at the Ft Worth Museum of Science & History today. Ian was great. He slept the whole time. We saw all sorts of props and costumes used in filming all of the Star Wars films. Needless to say, I totally geeked out.

Ian's so brave, he sleeps at the sight of a Wampa.

Ian with Wookie Chieftan, Merumeru and the famous Chewbacca

X-Wing Fighter Model

Tie Fighter Model
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A Visit From the Rombachs

Amy's brother and family came by for a visit. All were interested in holding the little fella except for Dane. We tried to tell him that it would not affect his new hip status as a teenager but he would not budge. No worries, Dane will be throwing him around before too long.

Niece, Kelsey, Ian and Kacie

Niece, Kacie and Ian

Nephew, Nate and Ian

Auntie Kim and Ian
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Mr. Expression

Moon River.........

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7 lbs and Growing

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Height & Weight Update

At his monthly check up today, Ian weighed in at 6 lbs, 13 oz. and measured 19 in. in length. He has gained 2 lbs, 5 oz. since coming home thanks to mommy's Vitamin DD milk.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I am One Month Old!!!

Yesterday, Ian turned One Month Old. My how time flies. We are pretty sure he is in the 6 lb. range. He continues to be an expert at eating, sleeping and pooping.

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A Fathering Lesson From Scott

A couple of weeks ago, Scott came over to hang out and taught me a few things about fathering in the year 2007. Lets face it, if you can multitask, there is nothing you cannot get accomplished. By the time he was done, I was comfortable holding Ian and getting beat at Monopoly.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

You Don't Say...

Ian's weigh-in today came in at 5 lbs, 12 oz., which is 10 oz. gain from last week. The nurses are quite impressed with his progress. In case you are wondering, this was an unassisted pose. Its all Ian, Baby!!!!
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First Visit to Midlothian

Mommy and Ian ventured out to Midlothian to visit Grandma and Papa Rombach as well as Aunt Tracy and family. It is unclear if Ian was fussing over the fact that Mommy might have been driving 45 mph in the fast lanebecause she was looking behind her to see if Ian was doing OK. In case you didn't know, those mirrors that so many people use to watch their babys while they are driving do not work very well. That explains why Mommy had to pull over 4 times on the way there.

Cousins Andrew, Jacob and Abby with Aunt Tracy

Abby and Ian

Jacob and Ian
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Saturday, August 4, 2007

Just a Great Shot!!!

Mommy was hungry and ate Ian's hand.
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First Bath at Home Before & After

Ian had his first proper bath at home yesterday. Everything seemed to go well. One of the highlights included him turning his bath into a jacuzzi. After his bath, he passed out from exhaustion.

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Aunt Tracy and Uncle Deron Came By

Mommy's brother and sister came by.

Aunt Tracy

Uncle Deron
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Visit from the Townsends

Julie brought Lauren over to play. Lauren is 4 months older than Ian.

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