Holy Moly..You're not gonna believe this but we all went for a walk tonight. The weather could not have been better for our first family stroll. Ian slept the whole time while Maddy, on the other hand, sniffed the whole time. Due to the success of our first walk, I think we will tackle the Grand Canyon next.
I look forward to your updates because your blog is just too funny!
I remember my first time to the mall! Oh my..what a big deal. We felt like different people..we all of a sudden became stoller people and noticed for the first time all of the other strollers in the mall. We had to find the elevator in Nordstrom-and waited for it with 3 or 4 other stollers. LOL. I never knew where the elevators were in the mall..
I am so excited you are getting out of the house a walk is great.
See you tonight.
I can only imagine the amount of time it took to prepare for such an event! Makes me think back to the first time I took Sawyer out to meet my mother for lunch about 3 weeks after having him. I started prepping at 8 a.m. for a 12:30 lunch! I was so stressed...hahahaha Now, it's no big deal, we can be ready and out the door in less than 5 mins!
Hope y'all are having a fab Labor Day Weekend!
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