Already 2 with more trouble to get into. I wonder what's in store....

I Am This Old!!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

You Don't Say...

Ian's weigh-in today came in at 5 lbs, 12 oz., which is 10 oz. gain from last week. The nurses are quite impressed with his progress. In case you are wondering, this was an unassisted pose. Its all Ian, Baby!!!!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well sweet Amy and Rob - you know how very happy I am for you both, and what a precious little angel he is. Boy do I want to get my hands on him - you know how much I love babies, most especially when it is an angel from two of my favorite people whom I love dearly. He is so beautiful and I know you both are in hog heaven. Kiss him everyday - all day - every second, minute, and hour and still make time for more kisses - remember to give him a squeeze and sweet kiss from his great aunt cindy and make sure he knows how much I love him already. Kisses to the both of you and thanks for this site to watch as he grows. I love you both and only wish I could be there with you. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ANGEL!