My name is Ian Robert. I was born on July 14, 2007. I weighed 4 lbs, 1.6 oz. I was 17.5 in. tall. I was supposed to be born on September 7. I was in the NICU at Harris Methodist Hospital in Downtown Ft Worth for ten days.
The days before my birth were quite interesting. Mommy experienced some preterm labor alarms on the Tuesday before I arrived while attending a parenting class with Daddy. The great doctors and nurses were able to slow things down until that fateful Friday the 13th when I decided I was coming out.
The contractions started at 6:45pm. She was moved to Labor & Delivery by 8pm and given Demerol to ease the pain. Apparently it didn't work very well. She dilated to 5cm by 1am and felt everything. She then opted for an Epidural. Apparently it worked very well. Mommy, Daddy, Gramma & Grampa Vacha, Gramma Deanna, Kristi and David Ryan were able to rest. At 3:30am, Dr. Hoffman and Nurse Sara informed all that Mommy had dilated to 9cm. By 3:45am, Mommy was at 10cm. After some serious pushing, I shot out at 4am into the hands of Dr. Hoffman. He then passed me into the hands of the Harris' NICU Team who immediately put me on oxygen, a c-pap, a feeding tube, as well as all of the other monitoring devices and after a short intro to Mommy and Daddy, they wisked me away to the NICU.
By midnight, they had taken me off of the oxygen as well as the c-pap. On Sunday, July 15, I was moved to a less critical room. That is where i met the great, Dr Lynch. She informed us that I was doing well but I had to undergo phototherapy to correct any jaundice issues that were going to arise. By Tuesday, July 17, I was moved again to an even less critical room where I eventually graduated from an isolette to an open crib. On Wednesday, July 18, I successfully nursed on Mommy. They removed the feeding tube from my mouth and reinserted a new one down my nose. I vaguely recall daddy saying, "Up your nose with a rubber hose." By Friday, July 20, I was so fed up with the feeding tube down my nose that I pulled it out myself. From then on I was either nursing on Mommy or taking a bottle. On Saturday, July 21, Dr. Lynch informed us that because I was doing so well, we could all go home on Monday, July 23. Because Mommy ran a mild fever on Sunday, the doctors bumped my discharge a day. I got the green light to go home on Tuesday, July 24, 2007, a mere 10 days after birth.
Its been a wild ride so far. I look forward to keeping all of you in the loop as to what is going on in my world. Big props to Julie T. for showing mommy and dad how to do this blog thing.
1 comment:
I cried, too, Ian. I cried, too. *sniff*
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